Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

H to the O to the L to the I to the D to the A to the Y

HOLIDAY, satu kata penuh kebahagiaan buat hampir seluruh anak sekolah di dunia. gimana enggak? kebayang kan setiap hari kita di penuhi oleh tugas-tugas dan pe er. untuk hari biasa aja kita udah males setengah mati ngerjainnya, apa lagi pas bulan Ramadhan? puasa gitu loh, laper aus lemes.
tapiiii, liburan itu ga semuanya menyenangkan ko. kalo liburannya ngebosenin yah... gimana. liburan kali ini, dela ga kemana-mana (hiks), soalnya sodara yang dari bandung, depok, jakarta pada dateng. dela udah mempersiapkan rumah dr seminggu sblmnya. dela di suruh beres-beres ini itu. capek? yaiyalah haha, tapi kebayar ko sama kebersamaannya *ceileeh* hahaha.
selain para saudara yang ke rumah, dela juga sekali mengunjungi adik nenek yg di jakarta.
yah, selebih nya liburan hanya di rumah, maen sm kucing, browsing, dengerin lagu, nonton, gitu-gitu doang.
nah, udah segitu dulu yah. minal aidin wal faizin:)

Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

note for picky

Picky, You're so Special.
your spesial voice, your special hands, your special smiley.
voice to listen, hand to hold, and smiley to love.

no matter people judge you like what,
but I always judge you special- picky

My Fourth Nightmare- picky

why everyday I always dream about you? 29 may, 31 may, 1 june, why do you come to my dream?
what should I do for stopped it? I don't know

tonight, I'm dream you. I know I dream you, but why I forgotting my dream? I just remember I saw your face with your smiley- my favorite smile. I really not remember at all. yaeh, I just remember that I dream of you.

after all done (the note book and the novel complete), I'll try to forgot you and move on- picky

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

My Another Nightmare- picky

hell, after I dream you two night ago, you come again in my dreams. not just one dreams, but two!

in my dream. we was in some place. we're talking, there is nothing strange. but you suddenly desappear. leave me without a trace.
Iam looking for you, but I can't find you. I don't know what should I do.
no matter how hard I try, I can't hold you.

I'll wake up. this nightmare make me realize, you're too far..
and then, I'll fall asleep again. after that, my secon dream begins.

in my secon dream, I asked my self, why you do it all to me? what my fault? 
and I intend eor ask to you. I went to ur house. then.. I ask, there are you? and he say yes.
I see you come out. I talk to my self, Iam not ready to star the fighting and lose you. 
when you go out, Iam back to go, but you stoped me. Iam just saying "forgotting" and I walk away.
I'm not strong enough to actually lose you. so stuped me!

my mom woke me up, I was awakened and today I'm getting error because dreams again

I don't want you to go, but You're gone- picky

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

My Sweet Nightmare- picky :'D

you know? last night I dream about you, about me, about us. in that dream I was in a school and Desya tell me where are you. Iam walking to your class and I saw you in traditional costume (I dont know there in some event or not). because of you also look at me, Iam back and walk away.

then.. you and ur friend find me. you gave me some note book, which contains a record about you, about me, about us. I reading the book, I know, no one word show my love replied, but I still believe you love me back.

oh yah, you know, in same dreams, we walked home together. we tell each other. I can look your hand, I can look your face, and I can look your smiley. the most smile I love ever , the smile that can make me smiling too, the smile that I miss it!


you must to know, after I dream it, I pray to Allah "yaAllah, please, make my dream come true". and Iam error because this dream. I feel happy, but I feel sad too. why? because I know, you never come to me, you walk away and pursue your world, and I'm not a part of ur world.



no matter how hard  I try, I'll never be able to reach you- picky



Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

our shadow ka :D (this is the first and the last we took the picture as “us”)

hahaha, tau gak? masa hari ini gua senyum-senyum wae coba. sampe ke tukang ojek gua senyumin. sampe ke orang yang nanya alamat gua bantuin karena dia nyari catetan alamat nya lamaaaa banget, 10 menit ada kali dia ngaduk2 tas nya, pas ketemu catetannya, taunya yang dia cari alamat tetangga sebelah gua. biasanya nih, kalo orang udah begini, gua pasti keki setengah mati, tapi khusus hari ini, gua bawaannya nyelow dan happy.  kenapa bisa begitu? alasannya karena.... ini hehehehehe. cuma pengen nge-share aja sih. dia itu kaka kelas gua yang lulus tahun ini. dan gua sukaaaaa banget sama dia. bukan, bukan suka dalam arti cinta mati kaya di telenovela gitu. suka nya tuh suka yang kaya gua ke artis gitu deh hehe. dia adalah pemain mellophone di marching band sekolah gua. dan... di mata gua, dia itu kaka kelas paling kece seantero sekolah gua (inget, ini kata GUA yah, jangan salah).

hmm.. pertama kali ketemu itu pas gua lagi mos. gua di ajak muter-muter buat di kenalin dengan ruangan-ruangan dan eskul gitu. saat itu, kelompok gua lagi di kenalin ke ruangan eskul marching band. nah saat itu, kita juga di suruh minta tanda tangan kaka kelas. karena gua males minta-mintain tandatangan, buku tanda tangan gua masih kosong adem ayem gitu. pas di ruangan MB, ada satu orang yang menarik perhatian dua (ceileeeh haha), orang itu adalah si kaka yang hari ini perpisahan. gua inget banget waktu itu dia bilang gini "kalo mau nyoba mukul-mukul boleh ko, coba aja kalo mau mainin mah" sambil megang mello kalo gasalah mah. dan.. saat itu juga gua minta tanda-tangan dia, jadi, dia itu yang nandatanganin paling pertama hahaha (sampe sekarang masih ada loh tanda tangannya).

kembali ke foto, kenapa gua bisa foto bareng kaka kece berkacamata dan pemain mellophone ini? ini semua karena sohib gua di sekolah. dia itu tau kalo gua pengeeen bangeeet foto bareng sama si kaka, tapi gua gaenak ngomongnya hehe. dan.. pada akhirnya, sohib gua yang bernama Tari bilang ke si kaka kalo gua mau foto bareng dia. awalnya, dia bilang iya, tapi nanti dulu. tapi gak berapa lama dia balik lagi dan kita foto bareng (yeeee hehehe).

gua ga akan pernah lupa segimana sukanya gua ke kaka ini dan seberapa keren dia hari ini hahaha.

nb: he's name is Muhammad Faisal Hediansyah